Custom Spinner Android Styling Tutorial | Java and Kotlin
Learn how to style a Custom Spinner for Android App.
Spinner Widget requires two different custom layouts, one for the view to be displayed and another for the drop down list!
4 minute read
Android OAuth2 Example using Retrofit
If you happen to use Google APIs in your android project that needs OAuth 2.0 authentication, then here is a blog to help you get started with Android OAuth2 example using Retrofit!
6 minute read
Google Sign in Android Example using Firebase Auth
Google Sign in Android Example using Firebase Auth. In this blog you’ll learn how to allow your Android app users to sign in to your app using Firebase Auth Tool and also access their data from Firebase Dashboard.
4 minute read
Android Gradient Background tutorial
Android gradient background styling is the best way to style your background without consuming too much memory or taxing user storage.
Android Button Design Blog is written keeping in mind Material Design guidelines. It prompts user to interact with the app and brings more meaning to app design.
Want to make your Android app a whole lot interesting? Here is a curated list of Android Animation library to add a better user interface to your library and improve your app’s user retention rate!