Android Image Slider Library, we’ve curated a list of Top 9 Android libraries that’ll help you implement image slider in your Android App and view images as you slide with Indicators.

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All libraries shown below have complete documentation with great details and easy to implement for any developer.

Android Image Slider Library: AutoImageFlipper

Android Image Slider Library

Recently built in 2019, this is an Automatic scrolling Image Slider Library with the functionality of adding an image with its optional description, it also has a View Pager Indicator and built-in listeners. The library is open for contributions by developer Shahbaz Hussain.

This library requires Internet Permission if you happen to fetch image from internet.

To use this Image Slider library in your project, add the following line of code to your build.gradle dependencies:

implementation 'com.github.technolifestyle:imageslider:1.5.6'

Note: This library can only work on Apps which are using AndroidX dependencies if you’re not using AndroidX, you can migrate to AndroidX by selecting Refactor -> Migrate to AndroidX from the Android Studio Menu bar.

AutoImage Flipper Link


Android Image Slider Library

This is a full-screen slide pager to display images fetched from the Internet. Great for intros screen to display images. This library was developed by Lyndon Chin

To use this Android Image Slider library in your project, add the following line of code to your build.gradle dependencies:

implementation 'com.liangfeizc:SlidePageIndicator:1.1.0@aar'


Image Slider

Android Image Infinite Slider library

An image slider for Android that lets you pick the image loader library that best suits your needs. This library is developed by ouattararomuald.

To use this Image Slider library in your project, add any one of the following line of code to your build.gradle dependencies:

implementation 'com.ouattararomuald:slider-glide:2.0.0' // If you use Glide
implementation 'com.ouattararomuald:slider-picasso:2.0.0' // If you use Picasso

// If you want to use another image loading library include:
implementation 'com.ouattararomuald:slider:2.0.0'

Image Slider Link


Android Image Glider Slider library

The GlideSlider Image library is a great library to use, specially if you want to show some animations while sliding the Images. This library was developed by firdausmaulan.

To use this Image Slider library in your project, add the following line of code to your build.gradle dependencies:

implementation "com.github.firdausmaulan:GlideSlider:1.4.0"

Link to GlideSlider

Android Image Slider

Android Image Slider library

Another amazing image slider for the Android platform. You can easily load images from an internet URL, drawable, or file. And there are many kinds of amazing animations you can choose.

This library is developed by daimajia

To use this Image Slider library in your project, add the following line of code to your build.gradle dependencies:

dependencies {
    	compile ""
    	compile 'com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.3.2'
    	compile 'com.nineoldandroids:library:2.4.0'
    	compile 'com.daimajia.slider:library:1.1.5@aar'

Link to Android Image Slider


Android Image Slider library

A simple yet flexible library to add carousel view in your android application, developed by sayyam.

To use this Image Slider library in your project, add the following line of code to your build.gradle dependencies:

implementation 'com.synnapps:carouselview:0.1.5'

Link to CarouselView


Android Image Slider library

This project is inspired by the android-auto-scroll-view-pager of Trinea. Use the salvage lib implement view recycle adapter. It contains two styles. One is CircleIndicator from Android-ViewPagerIndicator, and another one is the copy from CircleIndicator.You can customize the style and animation of this Android image slider library. This library was developed by lightSky.

To use this Image Slider library in your project, add the following line of code to your build.gradle dependencies:

Implementation 'cn.lightsky.infiniteindicator:library:1.2.2'

Link to Infinite Indicator

Android Banner Slider library

Banner slider is an easy to use carousel view library for making beautiful sliders in your android app. This library is develpoed by saeedsh92

To use this Image Slider library in your project, add the following line of code to your build.gradle dependencies:

implementation ''

Link to Banner Slider

Image Slider Library

Android Image Slider library

This is an amazing image slider for the Android .

You can easily load images from an internet URL, drawable, or file. And there are many kinds of amazing animations you can choose. This library is developed by smarteist

To use this Android Image Slider library in your project, add the following line of code to your build.gradle dependencies:

 implementation 'com.github.smarteist:autoimageslider:1.2.0'
 implementation 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:4.7.1'

Link to Image Slider Library

Building an Android App? Learn more about adding themes to your app here:
Android Change Theme Programmatically using ColorPrefUtil

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