Android ViewPager Explained with Example

Android ViewPager is a widget that allows the user to flip through pages of content, similar to a pager or book. It can be used to display a collection of pages in a linear fashion, or as an aid for navigating between screens in an app.

Background Service in Android with Example

The Background Service in Android is mostly used when a task which doesn’t requires any user interaction has to be performed. For example when the data has to be synced to the cloud storage.

Fragment Lifecycle in Android with Example

A fragment is a reusable component of the application user interface. It…

MpAndroidChart Line Chart Example : 7 Easy Steps

MpAndroidChart Line Chart Example in 7 Easy Steps we will be exploring…

Android XML Translate using Google Sheets Online Tool

Android XML Translate tool that can easily translate the String.xml android studio code in more than 60 languages for free.

Learn to use Translate Animation in Android

Translate animation in Android is useful in moving widgets along X and…

Table Layout in Android explained in 3 Steps

A Table layout in Android arranges the children’s layout inside it in…

Custom Button with Shadow Duolingo style Android Button

In this blog learn to create Duolingo Style Custom Button with Shadow…

How to use Android ButterKnife Kotlin Dependency

If you are curious about using the ButterKnife Kotlin dependency in Android, then you have come to the right blog. Actually, there is ‘NO NEED’ for it!

Zxing Android Example | In 5 minutes Build QR Code Scanner App

Zxing Android library is a great Android QR Scanner code library that you can use to build an Android QR code scanning app. In this tutorial, we will teach you how to do the same in Java and Kotlin Programming language.