Android ImageView ScaleType blog helps you to overcome the problem of deciding which scaleType to use with ImageView to fit image inside it.

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ImageView widget comes with 8 types of scale type you can use, They are as follows:

Android ImageView ScaleType
Android ImageView ScaleType
  1. center
  2. centerInside
  3. centerCrop
  4. fitXY
  5. fitCenter
  6. fitStart
  7. fitEnd
  8. matrix

In following example we will look at scaling an image we grabbed from

1. center

Android ImageView ScaleType

Centers the image in the Imageview without any resizing. If your image were small, it would’ve placed it in center.

2. centerInside

Android ImageView ScaleType
Android ImageView ScaleType

Scales the image uniformly, maintaining its aspect ratio. Both the dimension (width and height) of the image will be equal or less than the corresponding dimension of the imageview. The image is then centered in the view.

3. centerCrop

Android ImageView ScaleType

Scales the image uniformly, while maintaining its aspect ratio. Making width and the height of the image more than the imageview thereby cropping the image to fit inside the corresponding dimension. The image is then centered in the view.

4. fitXY

Scales the image by stretching it to fit its width and height to size of imageview.

5. fitCenter

Android ImageView ScaleType

Scales the image uniformly, maintaining its aspect ratio. Both the dimension (width and height) of the image will be equal or less than the corresponding dimension of the imageview. The image is then centered in the view.

6. fitStart

Android ImageView ScaleType

Scales the image uniformly, maintaining its aspect ratio. Both the dimension (width and height) of the image will be equal or less than the corresponding dimension of the imageview. The image is then aligned to the top of the ImageView.

7. fitEnd

Android ImageView ScaleType

Scales the image uniformly, maintaining its aspect ratio. Both the dimension (width and height) of the image will be equal or less than the corresponding dimension of the imageview. The image is then aligned to the bottom of the ImageView.

8. matrix

Android ImageView ScaleType

Scales the image using the image matrix while drawing.

How to adjust imageView width?

Did you noticed some white space while scaling image and also di you faced problem with fitting your image with respect to its width while maintaining its aspect ratio?

To fix this issue, Android imageview has adjustViewBound attribute.

adjustViewBound removes the whitespace and scales image whilst maintaining the aspect ratio. Here is the code for this:


YOu can achieve the same result in Java file using the following line of code:


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