Android ToolTip Library | Top 10 Curated List

Android Tooltip Library is an android library that you can use in your android project to display a hint text around a view when the user long press it or hovers over a view using a mouse pointer.

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You can use Tooltip as a guide to help user understand your app better and know what a particular button or view does.

Android Tooltip is similar to Toast or Snackbar, except the are attached with a particular widget and appears around it.

You can easily add a tooltip to any view by adding a single line of code in their respective XML code as an attribute:

        android:tooltipText="Write a new Post" />

However we have curated a list of top 10 Tooltip library build by other developers that come with some advance features. These libraries are easy to implement and have proper documentation.

Android Tooltip Library

List of Top 10 curated Android Tooltip Library that you can use in your android project to provide a better app experience to your app user.

Android Tooltip (Kotlin)

Create Toast like tooltips, physical targets can be specified, or even points on the screen. Many additional features and customizations. Just look at the samples Activities.

To implement Tooltip library to your android project add following line of code to your build.gradle project file:

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url '' }


dependencies {
        implementation 'com.github.sephiroth74:android-target-tooltip:Tag'

Link to Github

Android Simple Tooltip (Java)

A simple library based on PopupWindow to create Tooltips on Android.

To implement Tooltip library to your android project add the following line of code to your build.gradle project file:

Here are some features of this app:

  • Working from Android 2.1 (API 7) Note: animation above 3.0 (API 11)
  • Simple to use: few parameters in a single line of code
  • Animation with speed and size control
  • Option to close with touch inside or outside of the tooltip.
  • Modal mode (prevents touch in the background)
  • Overlay (darkens the background highlighting the anchor)
  • Customizable arrow
  • Inflatable content from a View or XML layout.
  • Colors and dimensions customized by Builder or XML resources
allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url "" }


dependencies {
    dependencies 'com.github.douglasjunior:android-simple-tooltip:0.2.2'

Link to Github

ToolTips Library (Java)

Simple to use the library for android, Enabling to add a tooltip near any view with ease.

Add this library to your android project by adding following line of code to your android project dependencies:

dependencies {
    implementation ''

Link to Github

Android Tooltips (Java)

Simple to use customizable Android Tooltips library based on PopupWindow. This Tooltips does not require any custom layout. It works as a PopupWindow.

Add this library to your app build.gradle by adding following lines of code:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.vihtarb:tooltip:0.2.0'

Link to Github

Quick Action (Java)

Quick Action is a small android library for easy create Tooltips with some action or just as decoration. folk from NewQuickAction3D by Lorensius W. L. T.

Not just a Tooltips, This a Tooltips with Action!.

Because NewQuickAction3D is design of Android 2.x. So, I change it’s style to fit with Material Design but still compatible with old java source code interface, Refactor, Transform to Gradle project and publish to JCenter.

Add Quick Action library to your Android project by adding following lines of code to your build.gradle:

allprojects {
  repositories {
      maven { url "" }


dependencies {
  implementation 'com.github.piruin:quickaction:LATEST_VERSION'

Link to Github

Android ViewTooltip (Java)

ViewTooltip is responsive, meaning it will automatically fit its text in the container.

To add this project to your build.gradle, add following line of code:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.florent37:viewtooltip:(last version)'

Link to Github

Initial Tips (Kotlin)

Initial Tooltip Library was created for showing the initial tips for the user on the start of the app(e.g. highlighted button with the message text). There are several implementations of the animations or you can easily extend exist animation for your request.

Add this project to your build.gradle file by adding following line of code:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }


dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.mpetlyuk:initial_tips:$latest_version'

Link to Github

HintCase (Java) Android Tooltip Library

HintCase is a library for Android that will help you create really awesome hints/tips for your apps. You can find a secondary library (HintCaseAssets) with multiple content holders and animators that you can use with HintCase library. Take a look to how you would integrate HintCase into your app.

With HintCase library you can apply shape animations to highlight a specific view and show a HintBlock and/or multiple ExtraBlocks all of them with optional animations to show/hide them.

All is very easy, but if you don’t have time to implement shapes, blocks and animations, with the HintCaseAssets library you can use some predefined items.

Add the library dependency to your build.gradle file.

dependencies {
    compile 'com.joanfuentes:HintCase:1.0.4'

Link to Github

BubbleView (Java)

Give bubbly look to your Tooltip

Implement this library to your Android Project by adding following line of code:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.lguipeng:BubbleView:1.0.1'

Link to Github

Simple Tool Tip (Java)

A simple library to add tool tips to your awesome Android application.

Implement this library to your Android project by adding following lines of code:

repositories {
    maven { url "" }

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.xizzhu:simple-tool-tip:0.6.1'

Link to Github

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